“The launch has been done with a vision to provide the poorest of the poor, and the underprivileged sections of society, with better healthcare and treatment, this scheme, which envisions health assurance of 5 lakh rupees per family per year, will benefit over 50 crore people, and is the world’s biggest health assurance scheme, the number of beneficiaries of this scheme is roughly equal to the population of the European Union, or the population of America, Canada and Mexico, taken together.The first part of Ayushman Bharat – the health and wellness centres, was launched on BabasahebAmbedkar’s birth anniversary, and the second part – the health assurance scheme, is being launched two days before DeendayalUpadhyay’s birth anniversary.It would cover 1300 illnesses, including serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease, private hospitals too would be part of this scheme., the amount of 5 lakhs would cover all investigations, medicine, pre-hospitalization expenses etc,it would also cover pre-existing illnesses,the States that are a part of PMJAY, people can get the benefit of the scheme in whichever of these States they go to more than 13,000 hospitals across the country have joined the scheme so far.The focus is on both “Affordable Healthcare” and “Preventive Healthcare.”
Prime Minister,Narendra Modi, launched the health assurance scheme: Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana – at Ranchi, Jharkhand.
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