Obama, Cameron discuss fight against IS


In an attempt to broaden cooperation in combating the Islamic State(IS), US President Barack Obama discussed with UK Prime Minister David Cameron, the fight against the (IS) group, according to a statement from  the White House

On December 5, Mr Obama “welcomed the outcome of the vote and expressed his appreciation” that the UK has joined thecounter-IS campaign in Syria, according to the White House. Britain’s House of Commons on December 2 had voted to support a government motion on extending British airstrikes against IS in Syria.

“The leaders discussed further steps that can be taken to degrade and destroy IS,” said the White House. They noted that all countries were welcome to join the existing fighting—IS coalition, “if their political and military objectives in Syria were consistent with those of the coalition”, it added. Mr. Cameron is also said to have extended condolences over the loss of life in December 2 San Bernardino shootings in California.


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India Writes Network
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