In Solidarity: Italy sends more Covid-19 relief to India

Underlining its solidarity with India besieged by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Italy has become the third EU country, after France and Germany. to include an oxygen plant in its support package.

A consignment of 30 oxygen concentrators, 2 ventilators and other medical equipment arrived from Italy on May 13. This equipment will augment the oxygen production plant gifted earlier by Italy which is already functional at ITBP hospital in Greater Noida in India.

Earlier on May 3, Italy sent in an oxygen generation plant, 20 ventilators and a team of specialists to India.

Italian Ambassador Vincenzo De Luca said: “Italy stands with India in the fight against Coronavirus…The medical team and equipment provided by Italy will contribute to saving lives in these terrible moments.”

The Italian embassy said the team comprised personnel from the Maxiemergenza group of the Piedmont Region, a doctor from the Lombardy region and a representative of the Ministry of Health.

India has promptly thanked Italy for its medical help and support to India in the fight against the pandemic.

The Covid assistance from European countries has been termed as a hallmark of India-EU relations.  The member states of the EU are delivering medical aid following India`s request for support as the country has witnessed a record surge in COVID-19 cases. The aid is being provided through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which is coordinated by the Emergency Response Coordination Centre of the European Commission. Several countries like Romania, Italy, Germany, France, and Belgium have already sent in the supplies.



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India Writes Network
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