“I am not here to convince or convert you. I invite you to study and verify. Come to us, inspect us, see how we work and then form an informed opinion.People get the impression that RSS is a very dictatorial organisation. They think that the ‘chief’ of RSS decides everything and everyone has to follow. In reality, RSS is very different. But don’t believe me, come close to Sangh to check out the truth,If you want to see the most democratic organisation, come to us,We do not want Sangh domination. Our viewpoint is quite the opposite actually. Our vision is to strengthen the society, which will take the nation forward. Community feeling is the basis of Sangh ideology. Our swayamsevaks do a lot of good work, but we do not propagate their names. Every citizen must work for the nation selflessly, because it is the duty of all of us to give back to the nation in whatever way possible.”
RSS Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat’s speech on day one of the RSS conclave in New Delhi on Monday was a study in syncretism. Some of the ideas espoused in the hour-long lecture.
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