Ahead of Chinese Lunar Year, Xi extols CPC’s leadership for building modern China

Ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese President Xi Jinping underscored the risks and challenges faced by China in the year 2020 at a gathering of non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC).

Highlighting the achievements of China in containing COVID-19, tackling poverty eradication and sustaining a positive economic growth, President Xi acknowledged the unity of the Party and the Chinese people in overcoming such difficulties together.

“We owe the achievements to the Party’s strong leadership, as well as the strong unity and hard work of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, including members of other political parties, the ACFIC and public figures without party affiliation,” President Xi added.

Setting State for CPC’s Centenary

The year 2021 marks China’s new journey towards a modern socialist country with the beginning of its 14th Five-Year Plan. It will also witness grand celebrations marking 100 years of Communist Party of China (CPC), emphasized Mr Xi. He urged other political parties and public figures to see this as an opportunity to cooperate with the Party and accelerate their self-improvement.

President Xi hoped that non-CPC personages will contribute their suggestions on the new development stage and preserve the political character of pursuing the common goal with unity and working together with the CPC.

Lastly, President Xi mentioned a campaign to be launched within the CPC on studying the Party’s history. The Chinese President is also the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

The gathering was attended by Wang Yang, the Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee, and Vice Premier Han Zheng who are both members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

President Xi Jinping also expressed the hope that non-CPC figures will give their suggestions for the country’s new development stage, philosophy and paradigm.

“China adopts a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of CPC,” said a commentary published in Xinhua.  “The system stresses both the CPC leadership and socialist democracy which features political consultation, participation in the deliberation of state affairs, and democratic supervision. Its strength lies in many aspects of the country’s political activities and social governance,” he said.

(Palak Chhabra  contributed inputs for this article)

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India Writes Network
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