G20 meeting: Modi calls for bridging digital divide, democratising technology

VARANASI: Advocating democratization of technology to bridge the digital divide, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has offered to share India’s experience in digitisation with partner countries.

“One of the important issues before you is the growing data divide. High-quality data is critical for meaningful policy-making, efficient resource allocation, and effective public service delivery,” PM Modi addressed the G20 Development Ministers’ Meeting being held in Varansai, via a video message.

“Democratisation of technology is an important tool to help bridge the data divide.”

“In India, digitalisation has brought about a revolutionary change. Technology is being used as a tool to empower people, make data accessible, and ensure inclusivity. India is willing to share its experience with partner countries,” he added.

In his address, PM Modi also stressed India’s support for development needs of countries of the Global South. “Development is a core issue for the Global South. The countries of Global South were severely impacted by the disruptions created by the global Covid pandemic. And, the food, fuel, and fertiliser crises because of geo-political tensions have delivered another blow. In such circumstances, the decisions you make carry great significance for humanity as a whole,” PM Modi said.

“I strongly believe that it is our collective responsibility not to let the Sustainable Development Goals fall behind. We must ensure that no one is left behind. It is imperative for this group to send a strong message to the world that we have an action plan to achieve this,” the Indian Prime Minister said.

Against this backdrop, PM Modi said that the efforts of G20 members “must be comprehensive, inclusive, fair, and sustainable.” “We should increase investment in fulfilling the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and find solutions to address the debt risks faced by many countries. Multilateral financial institutions should be reformed to expand the eligibility criteria, ensuring that finance is accessible to those in need.” he said.




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India Writes Network
India Writes Network
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