India-Argentina Special declaration to Fight Terrorism

The Argentine Republic condemned in the strongest terms the brutal terrorist attack that took place in Pulwama District of Jammu and Kashmir on 14 February 2019 against convoy of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), in which more than 40 CRPF personnel lost their lives and a large number were injured and expressed its solidarity with the families of the sons of India that lost their lives on this brutal terrorist attack.
Both leaders agreed that terrorism poses a grave threat to global peace and stability and noted the need for concerted action by the global community against terrorism. They stressed that there could be no justification for acts of terror on any grounds whatsoever particularly emphasizing the scourge of cross border terrorism. Both leaders emphasized that terrorism must be confronted unequivocally and resolutely. They reiterated their commitment to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and asserted that strong measures should be taken against terrorists, terror organizations, their networks and all those who encourage, support, finance and provide safe haven to terrorists and terror groups. They also underscored the need to ensure that terrorist organizations do not get access to any WMD or technologies or finances and committed to cooperate in the specialized multilateral fora.
The Leaders stressed that terrorism is a global scourge that must be fought and terrorist safe havens rooted out in every part of the world. They resolved that India and Argentina will fight together against this grave challenge to humanity. They committed to strengthen cooperation against terrorist threats from groups listed in relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
The leaders gave a call that no country must allow their territory to be used to launch terrorist attacks on other countries.
The leaders also affirmed their support for a U.N. Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that will advance and strengthen the framework for global cooperation and reinforce the message that no cause or grievance justifies terrorism.

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India Writes Network
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