US willing to share NextGen aircraft carrier tech with India

Aircraft carrier

Underlining that the “Indo-US defence ties are going to be “defining relationship of 21st century”, Defence Secretary Ashton Carter  said that the US was willing to share the technology for the next generation aircraft carrier of Indian Navy.

Mr Carter was on a three-day visit to India from April 10-12, an important visit that has firmed up a roadmap for expanding defence ties between the world’s two leading democracies.

The next-generation aircraft carrier seeks to bolster the Indian Navy’s blue water capabilities. The two sides had announced the establishment of a joint working group for the proposed aircraft carrier during US President Barack Obama’s visit to India in January 2015.

“Indo-US defence ties were going to be “defining relationship of 21st century”, Mr Carter said. “That is because both our values and our interests overlap in important way and that happens with few countries around the globe and India is one of those which is influential and very important country,” he said.   US is pleased to have partnership with India, Mr Carter added.

On the issue regarding the supplying of predator drones to India to spy on Pakistan, Mr Carter said, “Generally the US policy and approach to India is about India and its role in the region and it is not about particular neighbour. We have a relationship with India which reflects today’s American way of thinking”. 

Speaking about the US policy in Asia, Mr Carter said: “The US approach to this region is not to confront. We have to do what we have been doing for 70 years, that is to keep the stability and peace that has allowed economic and social miracle in modern India and China.”

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India Writes Network
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