G20 in China: Modi focuses on terror, black money

Hangzhou: At the G20 summit in China, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the imperative need for enhanced international coordination to restore global economic growth and India’s commitment to inclusive and sustainable development. In a hard-hitting statement on terrorism, Mr Modi sought to expose Pakistan for spreading agents of terror in the region. He underlined zero tolerance for black money and called for jointly eradicating poverty.
Here are some of his key thoughts expressed at the G20 summit: Here are the Top quotes from PM Narendra Modi’s speech at G20 summitg20-modi-speech

– We must uphold principles of equity and CBDR, curb reckless consumption and encourage lifestyles that are in harmony with the nature.

– Vision of transparent, equitable, non-discriminatory, open, inclusive and rule-based global trading architecture should underpin collective efforts.

– Global trading regime must respond to needs and priorities of developing nations. Global value chains must provide them playing field.

– Knowledge & innovation driven economy requires free mobility. India’s priority is to work towards Trade Facilitation Agreement for Services.

– Those who sponsor and support terrorism must be isolated and sanctioned, not rewarded. India appreciates the G-20 initiative on combating the Financing of Terrorism.

– Global and public health security is an important issue. We need global partnerships in sharing new vaccines and access to affordable drugs for developing world.



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India Writes Network
India Writes Network
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