Putin calls for a BRICS cyber security pact

putin-modiXIAMEN (China): Ahead of the 9th BRICS Summit in the coastal city of Xiamen in China, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pitched for strengthening intra-BRICS cooperation to address challenges of the 21st century and underlined the need for BRICS countries to act on the basis of equality, respect for one another’s opinions and consensus. The Russian leader also called for signing of an inter-governmental agreement on international information security.

In an article entitled “BRICS: Towards new horizons of strategic partnership,” published in China Daily, Putin also pressed for enhancing economic and development partnership among BRICS countries.

Key highlights of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s views on BRICS

Middle East situation

I would like to say that it was largely thanks to the efforts of Russia and other concerned countries that conditions have been created to improve the situation in Syria. We have delivered a powerful blow to the terrorists and laid the groundwork for launching the movement towards a political settlement and the return of the Syrian people to peace.”


“Russia calls for going over from debates to the practical creation of a broad counterterrorism front based on international law and led by the UN. Naturally, we highly appreciate the support and assistance of our BRICS partners in this respect.”

North Korea missile crisis

Putin backs China’s efforts for a joint strategy for North Korea, against the backdrop the US’ pressure on China to rein in North Korea. “Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile programme is misguided and futile.”

“Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile programme is misguided and futile.”

“Russia and China have created a roadmap for a settlement on the Korean Peninsula that is designed to promote the gradual easing of tensions and the creation of a mechanism for lasting peace and security.”

Global financial governance reforms

Russia shares the BRICS countries’ concerns over the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies.”

“We will also work towards a more balanced distribution of quotas and voting shares within the IMF and the World Bank.”

“I am confident that the BRICS countries will continue to act in a consolidated manner against protectionism and new barriers in global trade.”

Multinationals and monopolies

Continuing his attack on the West, Putin calls for an anti-MNC stand. “Russia’s initiative on the development of cooperation among the BRICS countries’ antimonopoly agencies is aimed at creating effective mechanisms to encourage healthy competition. The goal is to create a package of cooperation measures to work against the restrictive business practices of large multinational corporations and trans-border violations of competition rules.” This may be read in light of the sanctions imposed on Russia by some western countries.

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India Writes Network
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