India welcomes Libya’s formation of New Executive Authority

Amid the ongoing turmoil in Libya, India has welcomed an important step made in the formation of transitional executive authority in the oil-rich north African country. New Delhi has expressed hope that all parties will work constructively towards implementation of the roadmap of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) and holding of elections.The new executive authority pledges to form a government reflecting political pluralism, geographic representation, and to include no less than 30% of women in executive positions, as well as to ensure the participation of youth.

India as a non-permanent member of the Security Council chairs the Libya Sanctions Committee this year at a critical juncture when there is international focus on Libyan peace process.India’s Permanent Representative to the U.N. Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti, chair of the Libya Sanctions Committee, said that the committee is a “very important” subsidiary body of the Council, which implements the sanctions regime, including a two-way arms embargo on Libya and assets freeze, a travel ban and measures on illicit export of petroleum.

The 74 members of the UN-led Libyan Political Dialogue Forum selected Abdul Hamid Mohammed Dbeibah (interim Prime Minister) and Mohammad Younes Menfi  (President, New Executive Council), making a ‘historic move ‘on the road to unification of the war-torn country.”Libya, which is estimated to have the biggest oil reserves in Arica, has been a zone of conflict owing to its resources and political-military instability. 2021 is a crucial year for Libya as it gears up to hold general elections on December 24.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called on all members of the dialogue and the Libyan and international stakeholders to respect the results of the vote. “The United Nations commitment to support the Libyan people in their efforts to build a peaceful and prosperous country will continue. After the ceasefire that was agreed, the election that now took place shows that Libya is moving in the right direction,” said Mr Guterres.

Along with the Libyan Sanctions Committee, India will also chair the Taliban Sanctions Committee and Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) at the UNSC this year.


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India Writes Network
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