PM Modi brands Quad as ‘a Force For Good,’ highlights constructive agenda

TOKYO: Underlining India’s commitment to the constructive agenda of the Quad for shaping a free and open Indo-Pacific, Prime Minster Narendra Modi called the four-nation grouping as a “Force for Good.”

“In such a short time, Quad has assumed an important place on the world stage. Today the scope of Quad has become broader and the format has become effective,” PM Modi said in his opening remarks at the Quad summit which was also attended by US President Joe Biden, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Australia’s newly-elected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

“Our mutual trust, our determination, is giving new energy and enthusiasm to the democratic forces. Our mutual cooperation at the Quad level is giving a boost to a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific region, which is the common objective of all of us,” said PM Modi.

Mr Modi’s branding of the Quad as a “Force of Good” has been reflected in the Quad leaders’ joint statement after the leaders’ meeting on May 24. “Just over one year ago, Leaders met for the first time. Today in Tokyo, we convene for our fourth meeting, and our second in person, to demonstrate, at a time of profound global challenge, that the Quad is a force for good, committed to bringing tangible benefits to the region,” said the joint statement. “In our first year of cooperation, we established the Quad’s dedication to a positive and practical agenda; in our second year, we are committed to deliver on this promise, making the region more resilient for the 21st century,” said the statement.

Alluding to the expansion of the Quad’s agenda despite the adverse circumstances of COVID-19, PM Modi highlighted that the four countries have increased coordination in many areas such as vaccine-delivery, climate action, supply chain resilience, disaster response and economic cooperation. “This is ensuring peace, prosperity and stability in Indo-Pacific,” he said.

“Quad is carrying a constructive agenda for the Indo-Pacific region. This will further strengthen the image of the Quad as a ‘Force for Good,’” PM Modi said. PM Modi’s description of the Quad as a Force for Good was meant to repudiate the negative impression created by China which has been trying to portray Quad as a divisive force in the region.

The Quad summit took place at a time when the rules-based world order has been challenged by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and China’s assertiveness in different geographies.

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Manish Chand
Manish Chand
Manish Chand is Founder-CEO and Editor-in-Chief of India Writes Network ( and India and World, a pioneering magazine focused on international affairs. He is CEO/Director of TGII Media Private Limited, an India-based media, publishing, research and consultancy company.