Kashmir terror attack: Building on global solidarity, India gears up to isolate Pakistan

uri-attackThe terror attack on an Army base in Uri in north Kashmir on September 18 has triggered worldwide sympathy and solidarity with India. The attack, which the Indian government believes to be the handiwork of Pakistani militant group Jaish e-Moahmmed and their handlers in the military establishment, has plummeted the India-Pakistan relations to a new low.

As India embarks on a multi-pronged strategy to diplomatically isolate Pakistan in the international arena, New Delhi should leverage expressions of solidarity to press these countries to sanction Pakistan for its brazen use of terrorism as a state policy. The attack has elicited strong condemnation from all P5 countries – permanent members of the UN Security Council – as well as key partners of India, including Japan, Germany and Afghanistan.

sushma-unIndia’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is set to highlight Pakistan’s dubious record in exporting terror and exhort the world leaders to go beyond the comfort zone to sanction and penalise this instigator of world terror. Besides speaking at the UNGA on September 26, Ms Swaraj is also expected to meet her counterparts from several countries and seek their support for countering Pakistan-origin terrorism.

World rallies behind India: Highlights

Here is a brief summary of reactions from key world capitals on the Uri terror attack:

us-johnUS: “The United States strongly condemns the terrorist attack on an Indian army base in Kashmir during the early morning of September 18. We extend our condolences to the victims and their families. The United States is committed to our strong partnership with the Indian government to combat terrorism”. – John Kirby, spokesperson, State Department

un-ban1UN: “The United Nations is following developments closely and shares the concerns of people living in the region for peace. The Secretary-General hopes that the perpetrators of this crime will be identified and brought to justice.” – UN Secretary General Ban ki-Mooon’s spokesperson

France: “This attack reminds us that India, like France, is a victim of terrorism. More than ever before, we remain at the side of our strategic partner, India, for fighting this scourge. We call for decisive action to be taken, in accordance with international law, against the terrorist groups targeting India, particularly the Lashkar-eTaiba, the Jaish-e-Mohammed, and the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.” – Deputy spokesperson of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development

Russia: “Bearing in mind the attack on the Indian airbase in Pathankot last January, we are concerned over intensified terrorist attacks along the Line of Control. It is also worrisome that, according to New Delhi information, the Uri military unit was attacked from the Pakistani territory.

We are convinced that this crime will be properly investigated and its masterminds and perpetrators will undergo deserved punishment. We reiterate our unwavering support towards the efforts by the Government of India in their fight against terrorism.” Information and Press Department, Russia

britain-johnsonUnited Kingdom: “The UK condemns all forms of terrorism, and stands shoulder to shoulder with India in the fight against terrorism, and in bringing the perpetrators to justice.” British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson

China: “China opposes and strongly condemns all forms of terrorism. We are concerned about this escalation and rising temperatures surrounding Kashmir situation. We hope relevant parties will have dialogue and consultation to resolve their differences and enhance counter-terrorism cooperation. Only this way can they safeguard peace and security in their region.” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang

german-ministerGermany: “As is often the case, the terrorists’ aim is for the situation to escalate; they want to trigger a spiral of violence. We must not give in to this logic, including in conflicts between India and Pakistan. Germany stands resolutely at India’s side in the fight against terrorism. At the Indo-German counterterrorism consultations, which will take place in a few days’ time, we will further discuss the threats to our two countries’ societies.” – German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Japan: “Japan condemns terrorism in all forms regardless of its purposes and strongly reiterates that no act of terrorism can be justified.”

venezuela-presidentVenezuela: “We are committed along with our brotherly people of the world to get into the depth of this problem that has generated proliferation of terrorist movements, which doesn’t respect life and the need for coexistence of people.” – Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro

Afghanistan: “We fully support PM Modi’s call for strong and firm action against those who terrorise people, and those who use terrorism as an instrument of foreign policy; seeing this for many years. Whoever uses terrorism shouldn’t only be isolated but also held accountable.” — Afghan Ambassador to India Shaida Mohd Abdali

(Shweta Chand and Mrittika Nandy contributed inputs for this article)


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India Writes Network
India Writes Network
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