India calls for UN-led charge against terrorism, presses for CTBT

Un Modi 2NEW YORK – In an impassioned speech at the United Nations General Assembly, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for urgent global action against terrorism, and urged the UN to take the lead in the fight.

Emphasising that no country was free from danger, Modi called for immediate agreement on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, as it reflects international commitment to address this issue of global concern.

The Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism is a treaty which intends to criminalize all forms of international terrorism and deny terrorists, their financiers and supporters access to funds, arms, and safe havens.

He added that for over 40 years regions across the globe have been struggling with terrorism and instability.

Terrorism has no particular avatar as it changes form and name to haunt global peace whether in the north or south or east or west, said Modi.

20 years ago when he talked about terrorism, the issue was dismissed as a law and order situation, but today it is a matter of grave concern for everyone.

However, he asked whether the world has indeed taken comprehensive steps and made integrated efforts to fight against these power.

He said that some counties still gave refuge to terrorist and even used them as a tool to advance their national interest. He found it strange that there was now talk of “good terrorism” and “bad terrorism.”

He urged the world to stand united, and take concrete actions against terrorism. He said India, which had been a victim of terrorism, would support global efforts to promote peace and stability.

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India Writes Network
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