ISIS threatens Paris-like terror in London, Rome and Berlin


The Islamic State militant group has released a video hinting that it may carry out further attacks in the West, naming London, Berlin and Rome as possible targets. “If it was Paris yesterday, and today Brussels, Allah knows where it will be tomorrow. Maybe it will be in London or Berlin or Rome,” said a member of the brutal militant group in English. The video footage also showed the aftermath of previous attacks in Europe and the US. The video footage shows scenes of the Paris and Brussels attacks as well as 9/11 strikes, calling previous massacres a “cautionary message”. It shows images of the House of Commons in London and Rome’s Colosseum. The video is also showing the Eiffel Tower crashing to the ground and a burning Union Jack alongside the Houses of Parliament.

“Nations of the cross, this message is for you. Know that your options are few, either you join Islam, or pay tribute, or freeze the war,” warns the video released by the group’s Alwa’ad media.  It added that the soldiers went out to the ground and street of Paris and killed the kafirs (infidels). “This invasion was just a cautionary message to the nations of the cross”. At least 130 people were killed in a series of ISIS attacks in Paris last year and around 32 people were killed in suicide bombs attacks by the terror group in Brussels this year. 

The video is narrated in English by an ISIS member with a thick, Arab accent that repeatedly threatens “kuffar,” or non-Muslims. Recently, British Prime Minister David Cameron had warned that the ISIS was willing to use “whatever materials they can get their hands on” to attack the West.

However, despite bold proclamations within the propaganda footage, IShas witnessed its fighters ‘wiped out’ as the group has been forced to withdraw from key positions in Syria. Last week, the IS was driven out of Palmyra and Russian forces have now taken control of the city to clear the area of booby traps left by terrorists. A report claimed that RAF air strikes have killed more than 170 Islamic State fighters in seven days.

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