India pitches for more trade with Kabul, warns of sanctuaries of terror

Sushma HOA

Projecting Afghanistan as a narrative of opportunity, India has pressed for enhancing economic relations with the country and underlined the collective responsibility of the region to prevent terrorism and extremism from finding sanctuary in the strife-torn country.

Speaking at the Heart of Asia conference in the Pakistani capital, India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj stressed on enhancing economic and security cooperation with Afghanistan to bring stability to the region. 

“India’s vision of this process is one of interlinked trade, transit, energy and communication routes, with Afghanistan as an important hub,” Mrs Swaraj said. Rooting for expanding trade and investment as part of a broader strategy for rejuvenating Afghanistan, the minister unveiled new initiatives by India and its willingness to walk the extra mile. “India is willing to receive Afghan trucks on its territory, at Attari, and create necessary facilities for Afghan products there. We have also formally indicated our willingness to join the Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement,” she said.

India has contributed around $2 billion for a host of reconstruction projects in Afghanistan. Against the backdrop of the resurgence of Taliban and allied militant outfits, India pressed for a regional approach towards counter-terror cooperation in Afghanistan. “It is also the collective duty of all of us to ensure that the forces of terrorism and extremism do not find sanctuaries and safe havens in any name, form or manifestation. We, in Afghanistan’s proximity, have a particular responsibility in this regard,” Mrs Swaraj said.

Taking a statesman-like approach, the minister reached out to Pakistan to seek the latter’s cooperation to promote regional cooperation and stability. “It is time that we display the maturity and self-confidence to do business with each other and strengthen regional trade and cooperation. The entire world is waiting and rooting for a change. Let us not disappoint them.” “For its part, India is prepared to move our cooperation at a pace which Pakistan is comfortable with. But today, let us at least resolve to help Afghanistan – in the best traditions of good neighbourliness – through more effective transit arrangements,” Mrs Swaraj added. 


Here are some highlights from External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s speech at Heart of Asia conference in Islamabad on December 9.

  • The theme of today’s meeting combines cooperation with security and connectivity. This is particularly relevant to Heart of Asia. India’s vision of this process is one of interlinked trade, transit, energy and communication routes, with Afghanistan as an important hub. 
  • Connectivity also lies at the heart of India’s own efforts to develop regional economic cooperation. 
  • Nothing can benefit Afghanistan more immediately than full and direct overland access to India’s markets to enable it to take advantage of the zero duty regime available to its exports to India. 
  • India is willing to receive Afghan trucks on its territory, at Attari, and create necessary facilities for Afghan products there. 
  • We have also formally indicated our willingness to join the Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement. 
  • For its part, India is ready to work with Afghanistan to strengthen its defensive capability. 
  • It is also the collective duty of all of us to ensure that the forces of terrorism and extremism do not find sanctuaries and safe havens in any name, form or manifestation. We, in Afghanistan’s proximity, have a particular responsibility in this regard.


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