Turkish Politicians: Russia, Turkey, Iran on Right Track to End Syrian Crisis

Russia, Turkey and Iran’s efforts aimed at solving the Syrian crisis has borne fruit paving the way for the holding of the future National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, Turkish politicians have told Sputnik. One of them suggested that the center of the negotiation process has shifted from Geneva to Asia with the US’ influence on the talks waning.The recent high-level summit in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi held by the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran has become a logical continuation of the Astana peace process over Syria and opened the door to the upcoming Syrian National Dialogue Congress, politicians told Sputnik Turkey.

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How will US foreign policy change under Trump?

After the stunning upset win over Hillary Clinton in the election on 8 November, President-elect Donald Trump met the incumbent Barack Obama on 11 November to prepare for his swearing-in and assumption of Charge on January 20 next year.
The world waits with bated breath to discover what changes Trump will introduce in pursuit of foreign policy. India is equally concerned and wishes to find out how Trump will be different from his predecessor in his approach towards India and Asia.

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BRICS sees rekindling of India-Russia romance

Though India made it a point to focus on terrorism and managed to underscore “the need for close coordination on tracking sources of terrorist financing and target the hardware of terrorism, including weapons’ supplies, ammunition, equipment and training,” it could not convince China to change its stance on Masood Azhar, leader of the Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The group has been blamed for attacks on Indian soil in the past, including the 2001 parliament attack in Delhi that took the nuclear-armed rivals to the brink of war.

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