The Power of India

The Global Insights India Initiative (TGII)

  1. What’s your view of India’s place in the 21st century world?
  2. What kind of power do you want India to become? – Soft power, hard power, smart power?
  3. Do you think India should concentrate on domestic transformation, rather than chasing big power dreams?
  4. Do you support a permanent seat for India in the UN Security Council? If yes, why? If no, why?
  5. What do you think of India’s membership of multilateral fora like the BRICS, the G20 and IBSA?
  6. Do you think India’s foreign policy is independent? Or is it susceptible to pressure from outside?
  7. What’s your vision of India 2020?

The Power of India Project (Note to contributors)

vbn_keyboardIndia Writes ( and The Global Insights India (TGII), a media, publishing, research and consultancy firm, kicks off a debate on the much talked about emergence of India as a power centre and an independent player in the global arena shaping discourse on leading international issues. Readers, writers, intellectuals, academics and just about anyone who feels a stake in the India Story are invited to send contributions/comments on each of the above “7 Big Questions.” Since brevity is the soul of wit, keep your comments and arguments concise and pointed. The submissions to each of the questions should not exceed 400-600 words and can be sent to and All these comments should be flagged off as The Power of India/India Writes. The best comments will be published in, along with the writer’s photograph and a two-line bio.

On January 26, 2014, India Writes and TGII plans to publish a book entitled The Power of India, which will compile best comments/analyses on the subject revolving around the 7 Questions. A panel of eminent writers and experts will choose the best submissions that will be published in the book. The best 5 entries will be awarded Rs 10,000 and a collection of books. The panel/jury will be announced shortly.

In addition, two best submissions will be chosen every month and awarded Rs 1,000 each. There is a separate category for school students (Class VIII-XII) – the best submissions in this category will be published in a separate section called “Young India Speaks,” and prizes in form of cash and books will be conferred from time to time.