Mayhem in Ghouta: And dilemma before civilians

Even minutes after the United Nations Security Council pushed Syrian regime’s backer Russia to agree to a ceasefire, the bombardment of eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, still continued.According to a UK based monitor called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the regime has killed over 500 people in less than a week. The regime calls it a lie, but the locals from Ghouta say Assad has been raining lethal barrel bombs, among other ammunition, on 350,000-400,000 remaining inhabitants of Ghouta, shoving them underground.
The regime first imposed a siege in the area, ringing the capital in May 2013. Albeit at prices ten times higher than in Damascus, basic materials like food and fuel were supplied through the al-Wafideen opening. Rebels also dug tunnels leading to Damascus to smuggle in the goods. Since late last year, the siege has been absolute. Syrian forces bombed the tunnels and sealed Wafideen.

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Turkish Politicians: Russia, Turkey, Iran on Right Track to End Syrian Crisis

Russia, Turkey and Iran’s efforts aimed at solving the Syrian crisis has borne fruit paving the way for the holding of the future National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, Turkish politicians have told Sputnik. One of them suggested that the center of the negotiation process has shifted from Geneva to Asia with the US’ influence on the talks waning.The recent high-level summit in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi held by the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran has become a logical continuation of the Astana peace process over Syria and opened the door to the upcoming Syrian National Dialogue Congress, politicians told Sputnik Turkey.

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Putin and Trump Confirm Committment to Syria’s Integrity, Defeating Daesh

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump during their brief meeting on the sidelines of the APEC summit approved a joint statement on Syria.The presidents of Russia and the US reaffirmed their commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and called on the parties to the conflict there to participate in the Geneva political process, and reiterated the need to destroy Daesh, according to a joint statement they issued following a meeting in Da Nang, where the APEC summit is taking place.

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Syria: The Cease-Fire that was and wasn’t

On 10 September 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov announced a cease-fire agreement in Geneva following negotiations that lasted over ten months. The agreement was not a cease-fire between Russia and the US, but one between their proxies. Russia was answerable for President Bashar Assad and his allies that include Russia. The US was responsible for the ‘moderate’ rebels supported by the West and its allies. The two major rebel groups, ISIL and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, were excluded from the cease-fire. Since the cease-fire has been violated a number of times, one may assume that those who signed the agreement did not have full control over those who fire.

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