India a rising global power, a natural partner: Czech Foreign Minister (INTERVIEW)

Underpinned by historical linkages and growing economic synergies, India’s relations with the Czech Republic are steadily moving onto a higher trajectory. In this wide-ranging conversation with Manish Chand, Editor-in-Chief, India and the World magazine, Czech Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek unveils plans to intensify India-Czech strategic and economic partnership across the spectrum. Mr Petricek struck an upbeat note on India’s rise as a global power and expressed confidence that the two countries will proactively partner to shape the emerging multi-polar world.

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After Australia Group, NSG next frontier for India

After gaining entry to two non-proliferation groups, MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime) and the Wassenaar Arrangement, India has become the 43rd member of another, the Australia Group (AG). With this membership India is expected to further push its demand for an entry into the NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group) that has been stalled due to Chinese protests.
“India’s entry into the Group would be mutually beneficial and further contribute to international security and non-proliferation objectives” India’s External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said in a statement.

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Talks with Germany to build India’s strength

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s six-day four nations visit is a major initiative to build a new architecture in the backdrop of a serious challenge to the crumbling post World War II global order.
The rapid rise of China and reneging of the US from its international and multilateral commitments, along with Washington’s retreat into bilateralism under US President Donald Trump’s administration, has thrown up serious challenges for world leaders.
After the one hour long talks under the framework of India-Germany Intergovernmental Consultations on May 30, global terrorism, climate change, role of free trade, importance of investment protection and bilateral cooperation in skill development, tapping of solar energy and urban development were given special focus.
“Pace of development of our relations is fast, direction positive and destination clear. Germany will always find India as powerful, prepared and capable partner,” Mr Modi said at a joint press interaction with Chancellor Merkel.
Following talks between the delegations of two countries led by Modi and Merkel respectively, the two sides also signed 12 MOUs/ agreements in areas of cyber policy, development initiatives, sustainable urban development, continued development of cluster managers and skill development, digitalization, railway security and promoting vocational training.

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US asks Pakistan to act against Hafiz Saeed, supports India’s right to self-defence

In a boost for India’s drive to expose Pakistan’s role in fomenting terror, the US has launched a blistering attack on terror impresario Hafiz Saeed, the virulently anti-India suspected mastermind of the Mumbai carnage, and endorsed India’s surgical strikes against terror camps in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

Washington’s indictment of Pakistan comes ahead of the BRICS summit in Goa where India will focus on getting the support of emerging powers for pressuring Pakistan to abandoning cross-border terrorism.

The message to Islamabad was clear: stop sheltering terrorists and punish the perpetrators of the 26/11 attacks.

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India and the NSG Membership: What Lies Ahead

In the pre-2005 period, the Indian government as well as most Indian analysts had approached the four export control regimes – the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) and the Australia group (AG) – with suspicion. Such an approach was not unnatural considering the fact that the first two, namely the NSG and the MTCR, had actively worked against Indian interests. The NSG denied fuel for the Tarapur Atomic Power station (TAPS) while the United States used MTCR provisions to prevent the transfer of cryogenic engine technology – a purely civilian space technology – by Russia to India thereby setting back the Indian space programme by more than a decade.

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Taj beckons: Modi invites ‘good friend’ Obama to visit India, NSG a work in progress

It was the last meeting between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama, but it looks like they will be seeing more of each other even after the American leader demits office.
“It was a very warm and friendly meeting on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit. Both leaders reviewed the immediate priorities in the strategic partnership,” said sources after their meeting in Vientiane on September 8.
“PM also invited President Obama to visit India after he demits office,” said sources. “President Obama said that he would welcome any opportunity to visit India. As an aside, he added that he and Michelle were yet to see the Taj Mahal!”
It’s not clear what was discussed about the US’ plan to fast-track India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, for which the US support will always be crucial. There was, however, a cryptic hint that President Obama will do all he can and help in any way he can. “President Obama said that he has always been a friend of India and will continue to be a “strong partner of India and help in any way I can,”’ Said sources.
Reading between the lines, those in the know can expect that Mr Obama will do his best to advance India’s NSG membership, but going by current geopolitical complications and conflicted India-China relationship, New Delhi may have to wait a while before it enters the nuclear club as a member.

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Hello Hangzhou: With NSG on mind, PM Modi braces for crucial meeting with Xi Jinping

“Hello Hangzhou,” India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted the residents of this picturesque Chinese city as he braces for a “constructive” summit of the world’s major economies and a crucial bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping amid a stalemate over India’s membership of the NSG.
Hordes of prominent Indians living in Hangzhou greeted Mr Modi as he entered Hotel Sheraton Grand around 10.30 pm (local time) to begin a two-day visit to China. Dressed in flowing kurta pyjama, Mr Modi looked fresh and invigorated from his successful trip to Hanoi where he announced $500 million assistance for Vietnam’s military modernisation. There are hardly 300-odd Indians in Hangzhou, but they made their presence felt as they beat drums and chanted “Modi, Modi” and “Bharat Mata ki Jai” as the prime minister went around shaking hands with them.
It will be a busy Sunday for PM Modi as he begins the day with what is clearly the most significant diplomatic engagement during his China trip – a meeting with the leader of the world’s second largest economy, who holds the key to India’s membership of the elite Nuclear Suppliers Group. The discussions will focus on recent irritants in bilateral ties with the thrust on restoring strategic equilibrium in this sensitive bilateral relationship that is prone to get bogged down in misunderstandings and the narrative of rivalry and competition. Mr Modi is expected to push the Chinese leader for a rethink on India’s membership of the NSG, which controls the global flow of nuclear material and equipment. India had singled out China as the sole spoiler for its failed bid to get into the NSG at the grouping’s plenary in Seoul in June. China had insisted on India signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a precondition for its entry into the NSG, which was a clear deal-breaker and not acceptable to New Delhi as it regards the NPT discriminatory that divides the world into the nuclear haves and have-nots.

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