Transforming Ties: Modi a big HIT in Nepal, India unveils $1 billion credit

HIT Nepal with Highways, I-ways and Tansways. India has just found a winning formula to transform its relations with Nepal as Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled $1 billion line of credit for a host of development projects in the neighbouring country. In the first prime ministerial visit from India in the last 17 years, Modi launched a charm offensive on his maiden visit to the picturesque Himalayan state, which is intimately bound with India by deep-seated cultural and religious ties.

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Modi’s visit to Nepal: A fresh start, full of possibilities

In this wide-ranging conversation with Manish Chand, Editor-in-Chief, India Writes Network,, Mr Jayant Prasad, a former ambassador of India to Nepal, speaks about the importance of Prime Minister Modi’s August 3-4 visit to Nepal, the potential of hydropower cooperation which can transform Nepal into the richest country in South Asia, and his response to speculation about a developing India-China rivalry in the Himalayan state, a nascent democracy which is navigating its journey to national renewal.

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