Modi’s Inch’ & Miles mantra for India-China relations

INCH (India and China) and MILES (Millennium of Exceptional Synergy). This is the new Modi mantra for energising relations between India and China, the two Asian giants which are often portrayed as rivals, but have chosen to be fellow-travellers in the unfolding journey of an Asian century.

A day before China’s President Xi Jinping touches down in India to begin a three-day transformational trip, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled his long-distance vision of India-China relations.

“India and China are bound by history, connected by culture, and inspired by rich traditions. Together they can create a bright future for the entire mankind,” Mr Modi said in a wide-ranging interaction with Chinese journalists a day before he meets the Chinese president in Ahamedabad, the capital of his home state Gujarat which has forged robust economic relations with China.

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