With economy on rebound, Modi set for G20 summit debut

Eight summits and six years after it was born in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, the upcoming G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, could be a milestone in fructifying some key initiatives to restore global economic growth and create the much-needed equilibrium in the global economic order.
For India, there will be a lot riding on how some of the expected outcomes shape up in the G20 joint declaration on November 16. Growth and job creation will be the twin focus of India’s business-friendly Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for whom the Brisbane summit will be his first G20 experience as well as his first major global outing with leaders of the world’s most advanced and emerging economies.
At a time when the economic growth across the world remains uneven and show stark asymmetries, India is going to the Brisbane summit on a high note, with a clear message that India will contribute substantially to the global economic growth in the years to come, and hence it makes sense for the world to be on the side of the India story and global economic resurgence.

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