China’s Xi rejects geopolitics behind BRI: Will India bite the bait?

Amid persistent anxieties about the nature of the Belt and Road (BRI) project among a host of countries, including India, China’s President Xi Jinping has rejected any ulterior “geopolitical calculations” behind the BRI and underlined China’s commitment to “building a community with a shared future for mankind.”
“China has no geopolitical calculations, seeks no exclusionary blocs and imposes no business deals on others,” the Chinese leader said at the Boao Forum for Asia, popularly known as ‘Asia’s Davos’, in the island of Hainan. He also assured that the project does not impose any unfavourable deals on any countries.

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China’s Xi rejects Cold War mentality, pitches for open economy & trade

Amid the rising wave of protectionism and escalating Beijing-Washington trade war, Chinese President Xi Jinping has rejected “Cold War mentality” and projected himself as an apostle of globalization at the Boao Forum for Asia in the island of Hainan.
“China’s reform and opening up will definitely succeed and a Cold War mentality, zero sum thinking and isolationism are outdated,” Mr Xi told top industrialists, entrepreneurs and thought leaders at the Boao Forum. The Chinese leader’s comments were a veiled critique of US President Donald Trump’s America First world view and protectionist policies.

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